Benefits Analysis Google Sheet

I put together a Google Sheet to transition high-level problem-space discussions into a value proposition and prioritized feature backlog. The goal of this sheet is to put measurable metrics to each client problem/benefit so that decisions can be made based on metrics rather than emotions and gut feelings.


Each benefit gets broken down by:

  • Classification: Must Have, Performance Benefit and Delighter
  • ROI: Based on some assumptions in effort and perceived value
  • Customer satisfaction, importance scores: To see how much this would impact the customer and how big of an impact you can hav
  • Opportunity Scores and high-level comparison to competition 

Once this is filled out in detail I think it’s a nice asset to have when building your roadmap.

View and download the sheet here!

I must also credit The Lean Product Playbook for a lot of inspiration lately. This book is super dreamy.